
Finnish foreign minister forced out after SMS scandal, says party
Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva was forced to quit his job on Tuesday after he admitted bombarding a stripper with mobile phone text messages of a sexual nature, his party announced on Tuesday.
The word you're looking for is probably "salacious."
The conservative National Coalition Party appointed Alexander Stubb, a 40-year-old member of the European parliament, as his successor, after weeks of speculation about Kanerva’s private life and his political future.
Stubb. Rhymes with "Schlubb."
Party leader Jyrki Katainen finally withdrew his support for Kanerva on Tuesday, saying the SMS scandal had tainted the foreign minister’s credibility. “Kanerva has not kept his promise to not let his private life interfere with his political life,” Katainen told reporters in Helsinki.
"Illka, put that thing back in your striped pants and shuddup!"
Kanerva, 60,
"You're 60 years old, fergawdsake! Not 16!"
had made headlines for several weeks after he sent around 200 text messages to 29-year-old erotic dancer Johanna Tukiainen, whom he met at the end of January, and her sister.
"Hello, miss! I'm the foreign minister of Finland!"
"Hello! I'm a stripper! These are my breasts! Wanna see me strip?"
The minister had repeatedly denied sending the messages,
"Nope. Nope. Never happened."
but finally admitted to doing so on March 10 on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels.
"[Sob!] I confess! I dunnit!"
The gossip magazine Hymy on Tuesday published 24 of his SMS messages, some of which contained flirtatious and sexually suggestive content.
"Don't read them, Ethel!... Ethel?"
Kanerva, a father of two daughters, made no public statements on Tuesday. The foreign ministry said he was “on sick leave and his programme has been cancelled.”
"I ain't comin' to work today. I'm sick."
"That's what the stripper told us!"

Posted by: Fred 2008-04-02