
Moonbat Fratricide: "Air America is now the Jesus W Bush network!"
The link is to Air America Fuehrer Zampolit el Jefe Maximo Chairman Charlie Kireker's press release announcing that Randi Rhodes has been suspended for calling Hillary Clinton a "f$#%@*&! whore" and all that. Pop up a bag of microwave butter lite and scroll down to the comments. Some in the audience are not amused . . .

…Shame on you Charlie Kireker! You have clearly violated Ms Rhodes’ Constitutional right to Free Speech. Even though you may have been one of the sponsors for her appearance, a simple statement that you do not condone her public language should have sufficed. Instead, you have silenced one of the only voices on the radio that actually has the nerve to speak the TRUTH about what is going on in the world! How is it that Vice President Dick Cheney can tell Senator Pat Leahy to “Go ‘F’ Himself” on the floor of the U.S. Senate, with anger and venom and not in jest, and never even be held accountable for his total disrespect of this distinguished person? But, you, Mr. Kireker suspend Randi for doing a comedy act not even aired by your station! What a despicable and cowardly act on your part!

Randi has become so many of our voices. It's a damn shame that her knowledge, outstanding research capability and her willingness to educate in the most unique fashion is being trumped by a politically incorrect stand-up comedy routine!!! For God's sake, you corporate gurus at Air America are single handedly willing to take this away from us... for what? Political correctness? Bowing to the Clintons? (don't tell me they had no hand in this... their political claws are OUT!!) This is shameful! Randi is a breath of fresh air, whether you agree with her or not, ONLY because she's willing to cut the crap. As a wife, mother of 2 teenagers, registered nurse and an independent thinker... who lives in the midwest and has, along with millions of Americans, been completely traumatized from the multitude of crimes committed by this horrendous Bush Administration..... I demand that Randi be re-instated immediately, be completely vindicated, and allowed to resume her show UNALTERED by political correctness. I'm completely discouraged that voices are being suppressed and the "dumbing down" of Americans continues. I, for one, will cancel my Premium Membership if that's what it takes, and only listen to Mike Malloy on Nova M Radio, or The Young Turks (who recently left Air America voluntarily....wonder why?) You corporate thugs only listen to one God.... Money. Sincerely pissed off, Kelly Shepherd

This last one heer is a real classic (emphasis added):

I agree with everything Ms Rhodes said. Air America is now the Jesus W Bush network. It's time for another bankruptcy to go with your ethical bankruptcy.
Posted by: Mike 2008-04-04