
9 Special Groups Thugs Zapped by Hellfires in Baghdad
MND-B aerial weapons team kills 9 criminals
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

BAGHDAD – An aerial weapons team from Multi-National Division – Baghdad killed nine Special Groups criminals who attacked Iraqi Army soldiers with rocket-propelled grenades in Baghdad at approximately 8 a.m. April 6.

After they were observed firing rocket-propelled grenades at the Iraqi Army soldiers, the air weapons team engaged the attackers by firing a Hellfire missile killing three.

The team identified four more criminals fleeing the scene and attempting to their hide weapons in a vehicle. The AWT fired a missile and destroyed the vehicle, killing six criminals.
Identified four, two more killed as lagniappe.

No Coalition forces or civilian casualties have been reported.
Doesn't sound like any bad guys got away, or will escape from jail in the future.
Posted by: Glenmore 2008-04-06