
Does Obama attend a Church or a Mosque?
Once the election was underway, Barack Hussein Obama was very careful to promote himself as a Christian and the keystone of his Christian identity was Trinity Church, a Church shaped around a former Muslim whose Divinity School Masters Degree was on Islam and who used the Church to preach hatred for America and support for terrorism. That man of course is Jeremiah Wright.

With the revelations that Jeremiah Wright is a former Muslim and received his Masters degree from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School on Islam in Africa– Obama’s affiliation with Wright’s Trinity Church takes on a whole new meaning.

When Obama attended Wright’s Trinity Church, was he really attending a Church or a Mosque that Wright had built with a Christian facade over it.

Wright has admitted to incorporating ideas from Black Muslims into Trinity. He himself is a former Muslim who promotes an Islam centered view of America and Israel as demon states. There are Synagogues that are actually Churches dedicated to targeting Jews. Muslims have been covertly imitating some of this. There is a Jews for Allah and Muslims have been trained to lead religious discussions with Christians by equating Christianity with Islam, proclaiming that they too believe in Jesus. If there are Messianic Christian synagogues, why not a Prophetic Christian mosque?

Either way, conspiracy theories aside, the Church that Obama was attending had more in common with a Mosque than with a conventional Church. It was led by a former Muslim whose specialty was and is Islam. A former Muslim who hates America and Israel and who preaches ideas that are basically Black Muslim ideas. So Obama’s claim that Trinity Church normalizes him as a Christian goes out the window, because Trinity Church is no mainstream Christian Church. It’s as close as anyone can come to attending a Mosque without actually attending a Mosque.

Consider Obama’s “I’m not a Muslim” defense reverted back to square one. Or is that Mosque one.

Posted by: tipper 2008-04-09