
The Ojhri Camp disaster was the work of Zionists
He writes about the 1988 Ojhri Camp arms dump explosion which was blown up just before the arrival of a US defense audit team to cover up the fact that some Stinger missiles had been sold off to other countries and given to jihadi terrorist groups. More than 100 people in Rawalpindi and Islamabad died as rockets rained down.

On the morning of April 10, 1988, a dreadful blast ripped through the big ammunition and missile depot of the Ojhri Camp, located midway between Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Live armament and ammunition, missiles, rockets, shells, bullets shot up skyward and rained death and destruction on the people and property, leaving 100 dead, 1100 wounded, over 7000 tons of arms and ammunition and a large number of vehicles completely destroyed.
The horror-stricken citizens at first did not know what had hit them. Was it a departing murderous strike by the Soviet forces which were poised to end their nine-year occupation of Afghanistan, or was it a sudden surprise attack by Pakistan's archenemy India on the pattern of its unexpected opening salvo of the 1965 War? Then, they found out that the Ojhri Camp depot had blown up.
To this day the government has not told the full story of this fiasco. Public was told that an inquiry had been held, but its findings were not disclosed. This devastating event is recorded in the expanding ledger of national disasters that were either not investigated formally or were investigated improperly or only partially and still in most cases their findings were not revealed. A number of these destructive incidents were said to have taken place due to accidental factors or force of circumstances. Such reasoning that more often than not has proved to be false signifies ineptness and insincerity in the authorities.

The Ojhri Camp blast was blamed on accidental factors. This was just eyewash. The officials adopted the strategy of vagueness and silence, reckoning that over time the matter would be forgotten. Inner sources, however, disclosed: "President Ziaul Haq believed the blast was caused by sabotage." Obviously, he had some idea of the likely saboteurs, but he did nothing to expose them.
Even the stories in newspapers showed it to be an act of sabotage. More methodical analysis made it clear that the sabotage had goal-oriented, long-term advance planning behind it. It had the fingerprints of Mossad and CIA that almost always operate jointly as a unified team in Muslim countries, because both agencies are guided by the same master, the World Zionist Organisation. It was a special Sting operation, scripted in the grand plan of the 1979-89 Soviet-Afghan War.

In such schemes, the stingers (ironically or mischievously, this name was also given to the US anti-aircraft missile supplied to the mujahideen to combat Soviet aircraft) from the enemy agencies work as close allies with the target organisation to pursue apparently common objectives, thus securing the freedom to hit the target in the manner and at the time that their own hidden aims prescribe. Due to their deep penetration into the target country's official and private organisations, and the international resources of their powerful masters, the team can orchestrate a variety of mission-supporting, deceptive occurrences with the planned sting operation.

In January 1988, a settlement of the Soviet-Afghan War being negotiated at Geneva was on the horizon. President Ziaul Haq was reported to be fiercely opposed to several of the provisions in the proposed accord, which were extremely detrimental to the interests of both Pakistan and the mujahideen.
Pressure on him to accept the accord kept mounting and it increased his alienation to Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo, who, backed by the Americans, was in favour of the accord. In March 1988, Junejo, on the behest of his backers, organised an "all-parties conference" and then announced that there was consensus on signing the accord!

In the first week of April, the Indian film star, Dilip Kumar, accompanied by his actress wife, Saira Bano, came from Bombay to Pakistan on a pleasure trip that had official backing. Both President Zia and Prime Minister Junejo became noticeably involved with the daily engagements of the movie-world couple, who were given glowing publicity and VIP treatment. Wherever the Indian couple visited, the officials and staff remained distracted from their more important duties. While the officials were misled by their own weaknesses to sacrifice the official work to look after the film stars, they had also been prompted to do so by the attention that the country's president and the prime minister had showered on the Indian film couple.

Thoughtful observers questioned why the film stars had been invited to visit Pakistan when the nation was passing through a particularly disturbing period and the government was debating the very sensitive and thorny problem of the controversial draft of the Geneva Accord? At a time when President Zia, Prime Minister Junejo and the key officials should have been concentrating on resolving the urgent political issues, their attention and time had been cleverly diverted to a most frivolous affair! Why, in the first place, was this Indian actor allowed to be invited to Pakistan?

On the morning of April 9, President Zia flew to Kuwait to attend a one-day Summit of Muslim Heads of State. At night on the same date, a grand festivity had been arranged in Peshawar, to which all the key civil and military authorities, other officials and top political leaders had been invited. They remained rapturously absorbed in enjoying the late-night entertainment gala with the Indian movie stars. Early the next morning, the Ojhri Camp blew up with a dreadful boom.

The disaster shook the Zia-Junejo regime and Zia's resolve. On April 12 the regime signalled its acceptance of the accord, which was signed two days later in Geneva. It was a disgusting surrender of Pakistan's vital political and strategic interests and a negation of the just cause for which the Afghans had fought so hard. Besides unleashing other troubles, it legitimised Soviet-puppet Najibullah's regime and set in motion a mutually-destructive conflict amongst the Afghan mujahideen that cleared the way for the birth of the Taliban - all according to the grand plan. Within hours of the blast an American team for "assistance in investigation" landed at Chaklala airbase, with clearance coming from Junejo. The already shell-shocked authorities in Islamabad were astonished! They had no advance knowledge that an American team was coming. The Americans swooped on the blast site and removed or disrupted the telltale evidence before the local army authorities could activate their investigation efforts.

Ziaul Haq cut short his visit and rushed back to Islamabad. He tried to take charge of the situation. The aftermath of the blast intensified the estrangement between Zia and Junejo and caused discord in some of the senior army officers as each party sought to fix the responsibility for the disaster on the officers belonging to the opposite camp.

The depot had been servicing the war needs of the mujahideen. Off late its stocks had been especially built up to give additional armed strength to the mujahideen for a decisive offensive against the Kabul regime, once the Soviets had withdrawn. The colossal loss of arms and ammunition was a designed objective of the sabotage because the new Zionist schemes in Afghanistan, eg, the forthcoming programmed battle at Jalalabad, required that the combat power of the mujahideen parties be drastically cut. The Jalalabad Battle, we know, turned out to be a catastrophe for the mujahideen - and it also awaits investigation.
Using their vast capabilities, including penetration into the foreign affairs departments in the Muslim countries, the Zionist plotters had programmed an OIC mini-Summit in Kuwait on April 10. One of its objects was to ensure that President Zia would be out of the country on the day of the blast and Prime Minister Junejo would be making the immediate decisions. So, when the American 'investigation team', sent by the Zionist plotters, arrived literally unannounced, Junejo readily gave it his approval to investigate the blast. They had also programed the movie stars' visit to Pakistan. Among other things, agents of RAW could smoothly enter Pakistan with the movie couple. This Indian agency is a regular partner with Mossad and CIA in their subversive schemes against Pakistan.

The foreign saboteurs invariably make use of local accomplices and pawns. The pawns act unconsciously. The accomplices are conscious and hold influential status. Quaid-e-Azam, in his speeches in early 1948, called them 'fifth columnists' - people living in a country and working for the interests of the enemy country. They have been active all along in the wars and crises faced by Pakistan. They are the main reason behind the absence of inquiries into national crises or the suppression of reports of inquiries that were held, because that would expose the culprits and the fifth column.

The Ojhri Camp sabotage displayed the standard pattern the Zionist schemers use in sabotage, assassinations, suicide bombings and other terror operations: utter surprise, synchronisation in timing, orchestration of events, multiple extensive damages, multifarious hurtful effects, humiliation and helplessness of the target nation - and its inability to expose the real culprits. No Osamas, Zawahiris, Al-Libbies or Mehsuds can carry out such operations.

What is described here is based on unclassified information. It still offers important lessons. It is essential to recognise the master schemers and their grand design. The authorities must have much more and vital information that can yield more valuable lessons, if it is coupled with the analytical comments and clues presented here.
Posted by: john frum 2008-04-09