
Outlawed Militants Tried to Kill Musharraf
The two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in a failed assassination attempt on Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf last week were members of an outlawed group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, three intelligence officials said Wednesday. The bombers were part of Jaish-e-Mohammed, which Musharraf banned in 2002 as part of a drive to purge Pakistan of terrorism.
Since they changed their letterhead and continued in business without interruption that didn't do any good...
One of the attackers was from Pakistan's portion of Kashmir. The identity of the other attacker has not been announced, although Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said he was a foreigner.
"Foreigner" in this case being an Afghan. They can't find Afghans to man the Taliban, but they can recruit them to try and boom Perv...
The interior minister previously said three suicide bombers were involved in the Dec. 25 attack, but officials now believe there were only two.
"Lemme see, here. We got four lips. That means we got two boomers, right?"
"Are there two bottoms and two tops?"
Both men had undergone terrorist training in Afghanistan, he said. The attack in Rawalpindi, a bustling city near the capital, Islamabad, killed 16 people and left dozens wounded. Musharraf was unhurt.
I'd be worried about the third time being the charm, if I was him...
Two days after the failed assassination attempt, authorities raided a home in Rawalkot, a district in Pakistan's portion of Kashmir, said Abdul Rauf Chaudhry, an Interior Ministry spokesman. Police arrested three men, all believed to be relatives of one of the bombers. Chaudhry told AP on Wednesday that authorities have detained dozens of suspects, but he would not comment on whether Jaish-e-Mohammed was involved in the attack. "At this stage, we cannot say anything about it," he said.
"I can say no more!"
A spokesman for Jaish-e-Mohammed, Sahrai Baba, denied any involvement Wednesday. "We do not like Musharraf, but we did not try to kill him," he said by telephone.
"Nope. Nope. Wudn't us."
In recent days, Musharraf has said he is ready to discuss all options with India to resolve the issue of Kashmir — a territory over which Pakistan and India have fought two of their three wars since gaining independence from Britain in 1947. The stance has been met with anger by Kashmiri militant groups, who see it as a betrayal of their cause. The Dec. 25 attack came 11 days after a similar, failed attempt to assassinate Musharraf _ with a bomb against his convoy on the same road. The attacks raised questions about the Pakistani leader's safety. "Definitely, the attackers had obtained information about the president's movement from somebody responsible for his security," said another intelligence official, who also confirmed the Jaish-e-Mohammed link.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-01-01