
Nuggets from the Urdu press
Bangladeshi Houdini walks on air
According to daily Pakistan a Bangladeshi magician shocked his countrymen when he began walking on air. He then cut his wife’s throat but when the crowd started crying he put it right back. He was called Houdini of Bangladesh.

Wasim Akram in ‘trubbel’
According to Jang, one Najm Abbas had gone to court against Pakistan’s retired (cricketing) fast bowler Wasim Akram. He has filed a petition of defamation saying he had felt dishonoured at Wasim’s statement that he was willing to coach Indian cricketers. He pleaded that it was like a Pakistani general saying that he would train Indian troops to attack Pakistan. The petitioner asked for monetary compensation. The court sent out summons.

People flee Gujranwala
Daily Jang editorialised that the latest installment of 608 Pakistanis sent back from Oman was quite shocking. It said that in one year Oman had expelled 12,000 illegal Pakistanis who were treated most savagely while in Omani prisons. This was the result of human smuggling carried out by fake travel agents who extorted money, took the Pakistanis through illegal sea routes, then abandoned them on the Gulf islands. It said that on some of these islands birds were eating the corpses of these Pakistanis. The government had moved against the fake travel agents and had arrested 121 of them from all over Pakistan. The city that topped as a source of fleeing Pakistan was Gujranwala where the government was now planning to have a better arrangement for catching them. Gujranwala is a pious city that punishes film actresses for appearing on stage.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-01-02