
Activist of al-Quds Brigades Killed in 'Mysterious' Circumstances
Ah. Ye Olde "Mysterious Circumstances"...
On Wednesday morning, 16 April 2008, Ahmed Mohammed Awadh, 18, an activist of the al-Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jiahd), was killed by a gunshot in mysterious circumstances in Rafah.
Uh-huh. Sounds like something right out of the X-Files I'm sure. Aliens came down and shot Ahmed in the chest. With his own rifle...
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 01:30 on Wednesday, the body of Ahmed Mohammed Awadh was bought to Martyr Mohammed Yousef al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah. The body was transferred to the forensic medicine department at the Ministry of Health. According to medical sources, Awadh was hit by a gunshot to the chest. Circumstances of his death are still unknown.
Geez, Quince. Think it might have something to do with that gunshot wound to the chest?
The al-Quds Brigades issued a statement mourning Awadh, who was killed during a Jihad mission in Rafah, according to the statement.
How do ya wanna handle it, sarge?
Jihad mission. There's a box you can check off. Right there.

Posted by: tu3031 2008-04-16