
Haitians shoot at Mbeki’s chopper
South African President Thabo Mbeki’s official helicopter has been shot at during independence celebrations in Haiti, his spokesman says. Mr Mbeki was not present at the time, his spokesman Bheki Khumalo said.
So they shot at a empty chopper? Must be a slow news day.
Opponents of Haiti’s President Jean-Bertrand Aristide had warned they might attack dignitaries who attend its 200th anniversary celebrations. Mr Mbeki has been criticised for travelling to Haiti, where Mr Aristide is accused of being undemocratic.
And this would bother Mbeki how?
South African Police spokesman Selby Bokaba said the president’s security detail did not retaliate and a separate ground team was withdrawn from the area around the north-western port of Gonaives.
"Run away!"
South Africa has donated $1.5 million towards Haiti’s independence celebrations.
It’s not like they were going to use it for food or anything.
President Mbeki, has said his trip to Haiti was an important sign of solidarity with the world’s first black-led republic and a step towards cementing ties between Africa and communities of the African diaspora. But South Africa’s opposition Democratic Alliance has called Mr Mbeki’s trip an expensive fiasco, noting that along with the cash contribution, South Africa had also sent a naval vessel to help safeguard the president.
In case he was attacked by pirates?
Posted by: Steve 2004-01-02