
Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian agreement to return one billion dollars to Iraq
The Iraqi minister of finance, Kamel al-Keilani, announced that the Iraqi ministry of finance reached an agreement with Lebanon and Jordan to restore back frozen assets worth one billion dollars, noting that there are negotiations with Syria to this effect. The Iraqi daily al-Zamman quoted al-Keilani as saying that an agreement was finalized with each of the two states to restore back 500 million from Lebanon and 500 million from Jordan." He added that the ministry will restore back this sum in "payments." Al-Keilani continued "we will negotiate with Syria in the future on means of transferring certain Iraqi assets." But he did not specify the volume of these assets.
They're going to pay it in "payments"? Does that mean they snagged the money for themselves and now they have to make it up? Remind me to never put my money in an Arab bank.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-01-04