
Moonbat Fratricide: Fox News is a puppet of the Clintons!
Jim Geraghty, National Review's "Campaign Spot"

Tom Hayden, writing in The Nation:

It is abundantly clear that the Clintons, working with FOX News and manipulating old Clinton staffers like George Stephanopoulos, are trying, at least unconsciously, to so damage Barack Obama that he will be perceived as "unelectable" to Democratic superdelegates. It is also clear that the campaign of defamation against Obama has resulted in higher negative ratings for Hillary Clinton. She therefore is threatening the Democratic Party's chances for the White House, whether or not she is the nominee.

We have come full circle; the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and its main media wing, Fox News, is headed by the Clintons themselves. Not since Number Six unmasked Number One to find himself staring back at him on The Prisoner have we seen such an ironic climax.

It's a twist ending worthy of an M. Night Shayamalan movie.
Posted by: Mike 2008-04-24