
Bashir sez he’ll annihilate those damned rebels in Darfur
Sudanese President Omar Al-Beshir has vowed to annihilate the Darfur rebels in western Sudan, declaring this a top priority for his government.
"I'll wipe 'em out! I'll murderlize 'em! Hrowf! Hrowf!"
Meanwhile the Sudanese government announced its intention of complaining to international bodies over neighbouring Eritrea’s alleged backing for the Darfur rebels and disturbing the peace of Sudan, a day after Asmara denied aiding them.
"Wudn't us."
"Our top priority will be the annihilation of the rebellion and any outlaw who carries arms" against the state, Beshir said. He described the Darfur rebels as "hirelings, traitors, agents and renegades whom the enemies of the Sudan employed for carrying out their plots against the country." Beshir said the rebels were a small group "not representing the people of Darfur in any way and are pursuing personal ambitions of seizing power not only in Darfur but also in Kordofan and even in Khartoum."
That’s a probable reference to Bashir’s old rival, Hassan Turabi, who served as the Islamist power behind the throne until he was ousted by his protege, Ali Taha. There’s a primer on why Sudan does what it does in Darfur that you can read here from one of Friday’s rants.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-04