
Islamic schools under scrutiny, say leaders--Kenya
The Government is investigating Islamic schools (madrassas) suspected of harbouring terrorists, Muslim leaders have claimed.The Ministry of Education has reportedly released forms to be filled by heads of madrassas giving details about the schools’ location, the number of enrolled pupils and their source of funding.
I always find that giving them forms to fill out solves most problems...
The move has drawn protests from several Islamic organisations including the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK), the Chief Kadhi of Kenya Sheikh Hammad Kassim, the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (Supkem) and the Langata Islamic Welfare Organisation. CIPK secretary-general Sheikh Muhammad Dor described the directive as "a move influenced by the American government in its bid to suppress Islam."
Filling in forms?
Dor said a similar exercise allegedly influenced by Americans had been carried out in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, adding that Kenya was the first African country to be asked to do so. "We urge all madrassa heads not to comply with that directive since it does not come from the Kenya Government but from a foreign one," Dor said. Dor asked the Government not to interfere with madrassas as they do not operate under the Education Act and did not get sponsorship from the State.
"Quite the contrary, in fact..."
The Chief Kadhi criticised the move saying the Government should have consulted with Islamic leaders before issuing the directive. Kassim said the American Embassy had asked him to disclose the number of madrassas in the country. "I told them it was not easy to know since the schools were independent," the Chief Kadhi said.
I love hearing them squeal...

Posted by: TS 2004-01-04