
Saudi blogger freed after 4 months jail
RIYADH - A Saudi blogger detained without charge for more than four months after expressing pro-reform opinions has been released, a colleague said on Saturday. Fouad Farhan was detained in early December after running an online campaign over 10 men arrested since February 2007 on suspicion of financing militant groups, but whose supporters say they are being punished for pro-democracy activity.

"I received a mobile phone message from his wife at 5.30 this morning saying he was released," said Ahmed al-Omran, who published the news on his website. "It was surprising. After blocking his website, I thought his detention would go on longer. It's good news."
I looked at his website. It's surprisingly .. un-Saoodi like.
Saudi authorities blocked Farhan's website earlier this month.
Farhan's website is mostly YouTube clips about various news reports concerning Farhan's imprisonment.
An Interior Ministry spokesman said he would not confirm Farhan's release. The ministry had declined to say on what charges he was arrested, but said it was not security related.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-04-27