
New Year’s Aceh boomer was a GAM rebel
The Indonesian military says one of 11 people killed in the bombing at a New Year’s Eve concert in Aceh province had been identified as a separatist rebel. A military spokesman said Syaiful Amri, 25, was believed to be the bomber and died when the bomb he was handling exploded prematurely. However, he said the attack was not a suicide operation.
"Hey, y'all! Watch what happens when I do this... [BOOM!]"
GAM has denied responsibility.
"Wudn't us."
Meanwhile, another victim injured in the blast died on Friday after surgery, bringing the death toll to 11. The explosion devastated a stage on a soccer field where a music concert was being held to welcome in the New year at Peureulak in East Aceh.
Uh huh. Happy New Year to you, too...

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-05