
MoveOn.org features Bush=Hitler Ad
Chairman Calls on Democrat Candidates to Repudiate Ad Comparing Bush to Hitler
Washington, DC-Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie today called on the nine Democrat presidential candidates to repudiate an ad posted on the Moveon.org website comparing President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler.

A transcript of the ad is below. To view the ad click on the following link: http://www.rnc.org/moveon2.mov

"This is the worst and most vile form of political hate speech. These candidates have a chance to repudiate this pollution of our political process by repudiating these ads at this afternoon’s debate in Iowa," Gillespie said.

Gillespie discussed the ad this morning on Fox News Sunday. Gillespie’s comments are below:

GILLESPIE: If you look at some of these outside groups that are coming together to defeat the president, they will spend over $1 million a day next year to defeat him. One of those groups is a group called MoveOn.org, a group that, after September 11th, said we shouldn’t respond in a military fashion, that we should just take diplomatic means to address this tragic occurrence and this terrorist strike. But they have been running an ad selection campaign on their Web site, and one of the ads that was submitted that they considered viable for airing — with $7 million, by the way, in funds that we don’t know where it comes from, but we know they’ve said they’d spend $7 million to air the ad that they’ve settled on — one of them morphed President Bush into Adolf Hitler. That’s the kind of tactics we’re seeing on the left today in support of these Democratic presidential candidates.

GILLESPIE: Every Democrat in the debate tonight ought to repudiate that tactic.
Ad Script
GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: We have taken new measures to protect our homeland,

GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator,

GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them,

GRAPHIC: Pictures of President Bush
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did.

BACKGROUND: Cheering German Crowd
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, if Bush really were comparable to Hitler, the asshelmets who produced this ad would have vanished into night and fog by now. The mere act of showing their lying faces in public will refute their comparison.

I mentioned a while back that I have been hanging on in the Democratic Party in the hope that sane elements can regain control from the mediatarians and lefty fruitbats and revive the spirit of Sam Rayburn, Harry Truman and Scoop Jackson.

It is a disgrace that an organization so influential in the Democratic Party as moveon.org would even consider such an ad. This demonizing nonsense seems to be everywhere these days. It trivializes the evil of the Third Reich and desecrates the memory of its victims.

Enough is enough. I am giving the DNC and the nine declared Presidential candidates 48 hours to repudiate this ad and denounce the entire idiotic Bush=Hitler craze, and to demand a public apology from moveon.org.

If no such repudiation is forthcoming, I will resign from the party, and issue a press release explaining my action. I have twice held public office as a Democrat, and I host a local radio show; so at least a few people might listen.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-01-05