
Pakistan FM: Iran’s nuclear rights cannot be denied
TEHRAN – Pakistan Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi has insisted that as signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has a legitimate right to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, which cannot be “denied”.

“Since Iran is under the supervision of the NPT regulations, it has the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In our view, as long as Iran fulfills its international commitments, this right should not be denied,” Qureshi told the Mehr News Agency correspondent in Islamabad

He said Pakistan has always defended Iran’s right to access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

“Pakistan has repeatedly announced that the world should not forget that Iran has signed the NPT.”

Pakistan’s chief diplomat added, “Iranians are responsible people”.

And the world is aware of the fact that Iran is a responsible country in “difficult times” and it respects international treaties even in times of war, he noted.

If there is concern about Iran’s nuclear program, it can be allayed peacefully through bilateral and multilateral dialogue, he advised.

Qureshi also called Iran a “democratic” state which Pakistan greatly respects
Posted by: john frum 2008-05-04