
Letter Bombs Sent to Three EU Officials
Two letter bombs addressed to senior members of the European Parliament went off, bursting into flames when opened, and another was intercepted Monday, the latest in a series of explosives mailed to European Union targets. No one was injured in the two explosions. Authorities in Brussels also intercepted a suspicious package sent to a fourth parliamentarian and were investigating whether it contained a bomb. With Monday’s packages, seven letter bombs have been sent to EU-linked offices in five countries since Dec. 27. Investigators have zeroed in on an Italian anarchist group - the "Informal Anarchic Federation" - as the likely source. Security has been hiked up at European Union institutions. No one has been injured by any of the bombs.
Looks like they are small attention getters, their way of saying "Hey, look at us!"
The letters that went off Monday were sent to the Manchester, England office of British Socialist legislator Gary Titley and the Brussels office of German Hans-Gert Poettering, the head of the conservative European People’s Party. An identical package was discovered addressed to Jose Ignacio Salafranca, a Spanish member of the European People’s Party. Bomb experts neutralized the explosive. The two packages were postmarked Dec. 22 from Bologna, the Italian city from which the earlier attacks are believed to have originated. The two packages were "identical in every respect - the same size, posted on the same day and from the same place," said David Harley, a spokesman for European Parliament President Pat Cox.
One mass mailing then they crawled back under their rock. Bet they aren’t anywhere near Bologna. That’s what I’d do.
I'll bet they were. I'll bet they were dumbass Junior Anarchist Club members from the University of Bologna.
Authorities on Monday also were checking on a suspicious package sent to Jonathan Evans, another parliament member from the European People’s Party.
The one’s that didn’t go off is where they’ll find evidence, fingerprints, DNA, tool marks, componants that can be traced, etc.
Posted by: Steve 2004-01-05