
Jumblatt lashes out at Hezbollah for betraying Leb
Transcript of Interview
The institutions of the future are being totally destroyed.

Is an administrative decision on an airport security officer worth burning the country?

There is an attempt to invade areas of the Progressive Socialist Party, but we have arms just like Hezbollah. We have given instructions to the army to take charge of Progressive Socialist Party offices in sensitive areas for the protection of residents.

Everyone knows that executing the decision regarding Hezbollah's communication network needs the army, so why don't we leave it to the army?

Hariri was patient while all his institutions were burnt.

The army is trusted by all and can decide whether to execute the government's decisions and when and where.

Neither we nor the Future Movement have organized militias.

There is a big difference between the government's decision, which aims at reinforcing state control on all Lebanese territories and... Hezbollah's decision to go to war.

No one is thinking of disarming Hezbollah by force.

Legitimacy will not fall, and I do not advise Hezbollah to try to control the government and overthrow the Taif.

I advise the continuation of negotiations with Speaker Nabih Berri, who remains the head of the legitimate parliament.

How can Nasrallah rule the country when he is betraying three-quarters of its people?

Hezbollah did not exit the government. It participates when it wants, and leaves when it wants.

I will not respond to a person who wears the turban of Imam Ali.

I requested that Mount Lebanon remain calm.

Two of Talal Arslan's supporters were assassinated by members who do not belong to the PSP, and I am very sorry to hear that.

Posted by: Fred 2008-05-10