
Pakistan Angrily Denies Nuclear Report
Pakistan on Tuesday strongly denied a newspaper report that its scientists were the source of high-tech centrifuge design technology to Libya, the latest in a series of allegations linking this U.S. ally’s nuclear program to Washington’s bitterest enemies.
Also the latest in a long series of bald-faced denials of easily-verifiable facts. They shoulda stuck with the "rogue scientist" line and claimed the scientists were the ones who had the brochures printed when Perv's back was turned...
"This is total madness. The report is absolutely false, and there is no truth in it," an ashen-faced, panic-stricken Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told The Associated Press, in reference to a front-page article in Wednesday’s New York Times newspaper datelined out of the Libyan capital, Tripoli.
"Lies! Mad lies! Mad false lies!"
The newspaper said the technology transfer to Libya took place after a pledge by Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks that he would rein in his nuclear scientists in an effort to keep their nuclear-know how from falling into the hands of rogue regimes or terrorists. A senior official at Pakistan’s Atomic Energy Commission, speaking to AP on condition of anonymity, also denied any government involvement in any nuclear transfer, but he stopped short of rejecting the charge outright. "The government of Pakistan was not behind any move aimed at transferring nuclear knowledge or technology or any other thing to any other country," he said. But "Pakistan should not be blamed for any individual’s wrongful act."
"Well, ok, maybe one of our most respected scientists sold them the plans, and a few old centrifuges, but you can’t blame us for that!"
"We do not know who has been helping Iran, North Korea or Libya," he said.
"It wasn’t us!"
"Nope. Nope. Wudn't us. Musta been... ummm... somebody else..."
The newspaper said there was no evidence the Pakistani government knew that its scientists were selling the information, but that the transfer raised doubts about Musharraf’s dictatorial competence ability to make good on his promise to keep a lid on the sensitive technology. The latest allegations follow an embarrassing admission in December by Pakistan’s government that it was questioning a number of its nuclear scientists on suspicion that "ambition and greed" may have led them to sell their knowledge to Iran. Islamabad vehemently denied government involvement in the plot, and said any leaks were limited to Iran.
"Iran is the only country that they helped."
The Iran link was only disclosed after Tehran admitted the Pakistan link after agreeing to come clean about its nuclear program. Libya agreed in December to scrap its nuclear program and open itself to full inspections.
"Iran is the only country that they helped, besides Libya. Iran and Libya are the two countries that they helped."
A diplomat with knowledge of the Iran investigation recently told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that U.S. intelligence also had "pretty convincing" evidence of a link between Pakistan and North Korea’s weapons program, something Islamabad denies.
"Iran and Libya are the two countries that they helped, besides North Korea. Iran and Libya and maybe North Korea are the three countries that they helped."
Ahmed, the information minister, hinted the allegations were part of a smear campaign against his country, the only Islamic nation that possesses nuclear capability. "Pakistan’s program is under tight control and in safe hands," he said. "People keep publishing this kind of trash. Let me again say that Pakistan is a responsible state and Pakistan has never proliferated."
"Besides Iran, Libya, North Korea.........."
"And Syria. And Egypt. And Algeria. And Luxembourg. And Paraguay. And Samoa. And those eight guys with the hats in Yellow Knife. And the Boise Rotary Club. And that guy named Bob..."

Posted by: Steve 2004-01-06