
Growing calls for Olmert to resign
Although support for early elections has yet to coalesce within the Knesset, opposition MKs kept the pressure on embattled Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government, calling repeatedly throughout the weekend for Olmert's resignation. "The Olmert-Barak government has demonstrated helplessness in the face of escalations of artillery fire from Gaza toward the western Negev communities. A government that has sunk up to its neck in criminal investigations and has failed to deliver security to its citizens has no right to exist," said Likud faction Chairman MK Gideon Sa'ar Saturday evening.

But despite Likud's repeated calls for early elections - which, according to recent polls, are likely to benefit Likud head MK Binyamin Netanyahu, other parties - both in the opposition and the coalition - who were eager to see Olmert go seemed reluctant to back early elections.

Posted by: Fred 2008-05-11