
Saddam undergoes intense investigations in jail
A source from the Iraqi National Accord (INA) party conveyed to the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper details about Saddam Hussein’s daily routine in jail. According to the source, the ousted Iraqi leader undergoes 12-hour investigations a day, by US officials, in his prison cell at the Radwaniyyah camp, located near the capital of Baghdad. The source added that the investigations aren’t carried out in an orderly manner. From time to time, the US investigators call Saddam and ask him questions about Iraq’s alleged "weapons of mass destruction and other issues".
Come and go at random times, keep him off balance. No set schedule, screw with his internal clock.
During the remaining part of his day, according to the source, who requested anonymity, the former leader sleeps and cleans his cell. The source was quoted as saying, "Saddam cleans his cell on his own...and no one serves him".
And here’s my favorite.
The source further said that on the wall in Hussein’s cell are pictures of his sons Udai and Qusai, alongside pictures of US President George W. Bush.
That’s cold, baby. Ice cold. Bwahahaha!
Posted by: Steve 2004-01-06