
Democrats Defend Bush-Hitler Ad
You just can’t make this stuff up:
A Web site founded by former members of the Clinton administration is defending a presidential campaign ad created for Moveon.org that shows images of President Bush morphing into Adolf Hitler. "Once again, the comparison of Bush with Hitler strikes terror in the hearts of Republicans - because they know how close it cuts to the truth," the Web site Democrats.com said in a report posted near the top of its political news roundup on Monday.
If you have any slight belief in that statement, read my discussion of fascism from last night (comment #32)...
News that Moveon.org had already yanked the Hitler ad was "one more victory for GOP censorship, bringing us ever closer to a Nazi dictatorship," the Web site complained.
Snicker, Moveon.org pulled the ad as soon as the heat was turned on and denied they had ever planned to run it:
Wes Boyd, a MoveOn.org founder, fired back, saying Republicans were "deliberately and maliciously" misleading the public by asserting that MoveOn.org had sponsored the advertisements. "None of these was our ad," Mr. Boyd said in a statement. "Nor did their appearance constitute endorsement or sponsorship by MoveOn.org Voter Fund."
Then these bozos, who are the ultimate democrat insiders, are still supporting Moveon’s running the ad.

On Monday, MoveOn.org said more than 100,000 visitors to the site had selected 15 finalists, none of them the Hitler advertisements. A panel of celebrities and political experts has been asked to pick a winner, which will be televised.
The winning entry will be selected by a panel of judges, including:
• Margaret Cho, comedian.
• Al Franken, comedian and author of "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" and "Lies and the Lying Liars Who tell Them."
• Beelzebub James Carville, former political adviser to President Clinton.
• Jessica Lange, actress.
• Michael Stipe and Eddie Vedder, singers in the rock groups R.E.M. and Pearl Jam, respectively.
The winner will be announced Monday in New York during an awards show hosted by actress Janeane Garofalo. Others on the bill include Cho, musical artist Moby, rapper Chuck D and filmmaker John Sayles.

Democrats.com cofounder David Lytel was President Clinton’s personal webmaster, the Web site boasts, saying he helped to develop and edit the White House Web site. Lytel has since left Democrats.com and launched the Committee to Re-Defeat President Bush. Former Clinton pollster Stanley Greenberg sits on Democrats.com’s advisory board, along with Dick Bell, formerly the head of the Interactive Media Department at the Democratic National Committee. Jock Gill, another advisory board member, was Director of Special Projects in the Office of Media Affairs in the Clinton White House. He also helped develop the White House’s Web site. Democrats.com advisory board member Greg Simon was the chief domestic policy adviser to Vice President Al Gore.
No bias there, nope.
Posted by: Steve 2004-01-06