
Rapist murderer had right to be housed in UK
Yes, Britain is well and truly lost.
Michael Clark, 40, was on the Sex Offenders Register and subject to official checks. But he was able to move into a city of his choosing where neighbours did not know his past. The council considered him too dangerous to live there, but had to house him after being warned of legal action for breaching his human rights as a homeless person. Clark had just been released from a three-year jail term for sexually assaulting a prostitute and had been given a seven-year sentence for raping a woman in her own home.

Robert and Matgorzarta Zommer came to Britain from Poland with their daughter Zuzanna, 14, and nine-year-old son Mikotej. Clark, a jobless solvent abuser, struck as the couple walked their son to his first day at school two months after arriving in the country. He is thought to have let himself into the house where he sexually assaulted Zuzanna before stabbing her in the stomach, fracturing her skull by stamping on her head and slitting her throat.

Afterwards he drew his benefits from a Post Office and went to Blackpool.

Yesterday he was jailed for a minimum of 35 years at Sheffield Crown Court after being convicted of murder and sexual assault. Clark also had convictions for assaulting a woman friend and assaulting two police officers, biting a testicle off one of them.

When he was released from jail for attacking the prostitute it was considered too dangerous for him to return to Scunthorpe, Lincs. He moved to Leeds, where the city council rejected his request to house him. Les Carter, Leeds city council's head of neighbourhood and housing, said the homeless charity Shelter warned of possible judicial review because the decision infringed his human rights. He said: "I'm not worried about his rights, I'm more concerned about the rights of a 14-year-old girl who should be alive today."

Det Supt Bill Shackleton, who led the police inquiry, said: "Clark was on the Sex Offenders Register and regular checks were carried out on him. He was being managed in the community."
The Police as enemy of the people and the Queen's Peace.
A spokesman for West Yorkshire Probation Service said: "We had no statutory supervision of Clark. He was not on licence or any other kind of sentence that involved probation."

A Shelter spokesman said: "This is a tragic case and we send our sincerest sympathies to the family. We did not ask or threaten a judicial review. The decisions on where to place Clark and who to house next to him were taken by Leeds city council. Questions need to be asked as to why this young girl and her family were housed next to a known sex offender."
Yes, questions need to be asked.
More importantly, answers have to be given, and lessons have to be learned.

Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2008-05-12