
Ken O’Keefe to Burn Passport
Nut job alert!
Ken O’Keefe raves on Indymedia...
I state loud and clear, I am not anti-American, I am a true American and I call on all genuine American patriots to reject the orders of the Vietnam War deserter and Constitutional traitor George W. Bush and to remove this traitor from his undemocratic de facto post; impeach him at the least for his criminal negligence on September 11, 2001. As a former United States Marine and Gulf War veteran I call on my American brothers and sisters to put down their weapons and refuse service in Iraq. And lastly I state my love of the American people whether friend or foe and I call on them to support their troops for real; BRING AMERICA’S SONS AND DAUGHTERS HOME NOW!
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-01-06