
Mr. Dept. of Peace Shows A Pie Chart On NPR
Damn, is this guy stoopid or what?
Federal spending was the topic and Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich came prepared with a pie chart to argue his point about a bloated Pentagon budget.
Mmmmm! I like pie!
But although many listened to Tuesday’s presidential debate, few could see the Ohio congressman’s prop.
It’s a wonder anyone saw it. It’s freakin’ radio!!!
The debate was broadcast only on National Public Radio.
NPR and Kucinich. A fit like O.J and his glove, them two...
As Kucinich challenged Democratic front-runner Howard Dean for refusing to acknowledge that the Pentagon budget needs to be cut, debate moderator Neal Conan of NPR interrupted. "Congressman Kucinich is holding up a pie chart, which is not truly effective on radio," Conan told his listeners.
"If we're on the damn radio, why'm I wearing a tie?"
Kucinich was not deterred. "Well, it’s effective if Howard can see it," he replied.
You’re just a blip for now on the screen, pal, get over yourself.
Posted by: Raj 2004-01-06