
FARC might cough up hostages (to stay alive)
IN ANNOUNCEMENTS that have sent shockwaves through the region, Colombia has said that the leader of Latin America's longest-running insurgency is dead, and that some of its leaders are ready to free the high-profile hostage Ingrid Betancourt.

The President, Alvaro Uribe, said he had heard from some leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) who were ready to surrender and free hostages. In a potential breakthrough, just after Colombia confirmed the death of Manuel Marulanda, Mr Uribe said "the Government has received calls from the FARC in which some of the leaders announced their decision to leave the FARC and hand over Ingrid Betancourt if their freedom is guaranteed.

"The Government's answer is 'yes, they are guaranteed freedom' [if they hand over hostages]", Mr Uribe said.

In a speech carried live on national television on Saturday, he said FARC leaders who free the captives could be turned over to authorities from "France, so that they enjoy that freedom there".
"You can have 'em, we don't want 'em!"
Mr Uribe also touted the Government's offer to reward rebels up to a total of $US100 million ($104 million) when they turn themselves in alongside one or more hostages.
Being a revolutionary isn't as much fun as it used to be, I take it. You have to live in a gawdfersaken jungle, deal with the bugs, unreliable allies, always worried about money and ammo, losing support of the rural population, and now facing a newly competent military that wants to kill you and just might be able to make it happen. Yup, the Riviera is starting to look good right about now ...
Aside from Ms Betancourt, the French-Colombian politician who was seized in 2002 while campaigning for the Colombian presidency, FARC guerillas are holding three US nationals and dozens of Colombian police and military staff. They want to swap the hostages for about 500 imprisoned comrades, including three in US jails.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-05-25