
Arab League seeks Leb-style solution to Iraq - Arab official
(VOI)-An Arab official on Thursday said the Arab League sought a Lebonan-style solution initiative to stabilize Iraq.
Cheeze. Hide the friggin' silverware...
“The success achieved in Lebonan could be repeated in volatile Arab countries”, Abdel Aleem Al-Abyadh, spokesman for the Arab League Secreatry General, told Aswat al-Iraq-Voices of Iraq(VOI) at the Arab organisation headquarter in Cairo. The official said “It would be the base for the Arab League to buid on”, noting “embracing Arab countries ties reform would be the key trend for the future stage”. The spokesman pointed out “the Arab league sought stabilizing Iraq in a way similar to the agreement brokered to resolve the Lebanese crisis”.
By giving veto power to the Iranians' stooges?
The Arab league played a vital role in pushing Doha agreement brokered under the patronage of Qatar. The Agreement salvaged Lebonan from falling into a civil war and led to the election of Michel Suleiman as a president after seven month of political squabbling among feuding Lebanese factions. The spokesman revealed “Arab League Secretary General Amr Musa has taken a number of steps that might reflect a glimpse of hope in resolving the Iraqi crisis”.
If I was Talabani or Maliki, which thankfully I'm not, I'd point out to Amr Moussa that the Iraqi crisis was a year or two ago, when Mr. Amr Moussa was afraid to set foot in the country for fear of being kidnapped and having his head chopped off. The crisis is past, and the situation is being resolved, though not to the satisfaction of Mr. Amr Moussa and most of the despots making up the Arab League.
However, the spokesman conceded “the solution responsibility rests with Iraqis and not with external parties”, adding “Iraqis must agree that the current situation has made everyone feeling sorry, then, the Arab league could propose an initiative to meet this end”. Iraq is a founding member in the Arab League and has sent several meaages to Arab countries to open embassies and to cancel debts incurred from the former regime of Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Posted by: Fred 2008-05-30