
Pressure grows on Israel's Olmert
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's party should prepare for possible elections, his party deputy has said, amid calls that he step down over corruption claims. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, tipped as a possible successor to Mr Olmert, said Kadima should prepare for "every eventuality, including elections". On Wednesday, a key ally said he should take leave of absence or resign.

Mr Olmert denies claims that he took up to $500,000 (£250,000) in bribes or illegal campaign donations. "I think the reality has changed since yesterday and Kadima has to make decisions in relation to what it does," Ms Livni told reporters in Jerusalem. "I suspect that Kadima needs to start right away acting for every eventuality, including elections."

She also said she favoured holding a party primary to give the public a say in choosing a leader, and to "restore the trust" in the centrist party.

Mr Olmert said on Wednesday he was "not going to give up", after Defence Minister Ehud Barak, warned he would take his Labour Party out of Mr Olmert's ruling coalition if he did not step down.

Posted by: Fred 2008-05-30