
Former Bush aide defends book against criticism
Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan, defending his book critical of President George W. Bush and the Iraq war, said on Thursday he may have made a mistake by not speaking out sooner.
You made a mistake by speaking out at all ...
Under fire for what former White House colleagues see as a betrayal of the Bush administration, McClellan said on NBC's "Today" show that, at the time, he had misgivings about the war and felt the administration was rushing into it. In the end, however, he said he trusted Bush and his advisers.

The "Today" show interview was the first for the former White House spokesman since news of his book, "What Happened -- Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," hit the capital.
All the reporters lauding him today thought he was dumb as a box o' rocks back when he was the Chief Presser ...

Posted by: Fred 2008-05-30