
Al Franken's lurid Playboy writings come back to haunt him
Josh Kraushaar, "The Crypt" @ Politico

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) publicly criticized her party’s likely Senate nominee, comedian Al Franken, for a satirical column he wrote for Playboy magazine in 2000, telling the Associated Press his writings were “pornographic” and “indefensible.”

McCollum said that she found the article offensive and believes it will be a serious political problem for the party’s downballot Congressional candidates. McCollum had endorsed Franken’s primary rival, attorney Mike Ciresi, before he dropped out of the race.

"I’m a woman, I'm a mother, I'm a former teacher, and an elected official," McCollum told Politico. "This material makes me question the judgment of someone who would write this. And this person is now a candidate representing Minnesota."

Franken’s eight-year-old article, titled “Porn-O-Rama,” describes a visit to an imaginary sex institute where he takes part in sexual acts with humans and machines.
Aaaahhh! A mental picture I do! Not! Need!
The column included many graphic sexual descriptions.
It's Playboy fergawdsakes ...
According to a state Democratic source, all five Democrats in the Minnesota Congressional delegation recently met and expressed serious concerns about Franken’s impact down-ballot on their Congressional campaigns. . . . “We’re looking at having these pornographic writings tagged onto Democrats. That doesn’t seem to be a good strategy to expand our majorities in the House.”
"We'll have to have the whole party steam-cleaned and disinfected!"
The Franken campaign could not be immediately reached, but Franken campaign spokesman Andy Barr told the AP that Minnesota voters understand the difference between satire and the responsibilities of a senator.
And they'll vote for Al anyway?

Posted by: Mike 2008-05-30