
2nd Pastor Pal In 'Hateful' Hill Slap
A Chicago pastor and spiritual adviser of Barack Obama mocked Hillary Rodham Clinton from the pulpit of the Illinois senator's church - saying her famous tearing-up moment was fueled by self-pitying feelings of "I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show."
B.O. seems to attract the loud-mouthed hate spitters to his entourage. They kept running this guy on the terriblevision last night until I got sick of him and turned it off.
The Rev. Michael Pfleger, a longtime Obama ally and political supporter, made the shocking remarks from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ Sunday. That's the former base of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's ex-pastor, whose statements blasting the United States and calling AIDS a government plot have caused headaches for the candidate.
Rev. Wright's successor, Otis Somebody, is cut from the same cloth...
Pfleger, who is white and usually preaches at the mostly-black St. Sabina's Catholic Church, said people need to end "white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head."
Had I not seen him on the teevee, I'd not have known he was white. He slings the black preacher lingo pretty well, hollering at the top of his lungs like the worst kind of cliche. The rubes were eating it up.
Pfleger said he believed Clinton's tearing-up in New Hampshire - a moment widely credited with helping her win the primary there - wasn't a "put-on." "I really believe that she just always thought, 'This is mine! I'm Bill's wife, I'm white, and this is mine! I just gotta get up and step into the plate,' " he said. "And then out of nowhere came, 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama,' and she said, 'Oh, damn! Where did you come from? I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show!' She wasn't the only one crying," he added, and feigned weeping. "There was a whole lot of white people crying."

Obama, who has disavowed Wright, said, , "As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together."
'T'ain't gonna happen when you've got people like Father Pfleger, Rev. Wright, and Rev. Otis swarming in your wake.

Posted by: Fred 2008-05-30