
Mobile call provided lead to suicide attackers
An official of an intelligence agency is being probed by the security personnel for his possible links with December 25 life attempt on President General Pervez Musharraf, an official disclosed to The News on Saturday.
Sounds unpleasant
The suspect official is identified as Muhammad "Mahmoud the Weasel" Naeem belonging to the Special Branch (SB) of the Capital Police. He was detained on December 28 and is still being slapped around interrogated. Inspector General of Police Islamabad, Fiaz Ahmad Khan Toru when contacted confirmed that the intelligence official is under investigation. The suspect attracted investigators’ attention through the SIM of a mobile phone, which was in the use of Muhammad Jamil, one of the two attackers of the president’s convoy on December 25, sources said. Naeem was said to be deployed at the Convention Centre where President Musharraf presided over a function organised by COMSTECH. Investigators believe that it was Naeem who had contacted the suicide bomber Jamil on his mobile phone and informed him about the position of the president’s convoy. As many as 109 calls dialled to or from the suicide bombers, were detected during the investigation, the source said, adding the duration of all the calls was of three seconds except one of 12 seconds. "We have made a headway to the network through these calls", the source claimed.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-01-11