
Arab free speech advocate backs fired BBC host critical of Arabs
Ibrahim Nawar, an Egyptian, is the Head of the Board of Management of Arab Press Freedom Watch, a non-profit organisation based in London that works to promote freedom of expression in the Arab world.
(the difficulty of which is illustrated by the BBC’s censor of the truth - its 1000x worse in the Arab world)
"I fully support Robert Kilroy-Silk and salute him as an advocate of freedom of expression. I would like to voice my solidarity with him and with all those who face the censorship of such a basic human right.
the standards of these countries are what the BBC aspires to...
"I agree with much of what he says about Arab regimes. There is a very long history of oppression in the Arab world, particularly in the states he mentions: Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, as well as in Sudan and Tunisia...
Posted by: mhw 2004-01-11