
9th Circus chief judge contributed to son's pr0n site
The chief judge of the federal appeals court in California, Alex Kozinski, has contributed to a Web site that featured sexually explicit materials, The Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday.

The site, now disabled, included a video showing a sexually aroused animal, a photograph of naked women painted to look like cows and images of masturbation and public sex, The Times reported.

Judge Kozinski, an intellectual powerhouse with a libertarian streak, was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by President Ronald Reagan and was named its chief judge last year. He is acting as a trial judge in Los Angeles this week, presiding over the trial of a Los Angeles filmmaker accused of distributing obscene materials.

In a telephone interview on Wednesday afternoon, Judge Kozinski would not comment about whether he would disqualify himself from hearing the obscenity case. . . .
"Ya gotta admit, though, I really do know it when I see it."
The Los Angeles Times reported that Judge Kozinski had conceded posting some of the offensive materials. In interviews on Wednesday, neither Judge Kozinski nor his son could say who posted what, and Judge Kozinski said he might have uploaded some materials by mistake.

The site was never meant to be public, Yale Kozinski said. “The fact that it was publicly accessible actually is my fault, too,” he said. “I made a mistake in configuring it.”

Judge Kozinski said he was only moderately contrite. “I guess I should be more careful about access and all,” he said. “I didn’t put anything on there I think would be embarrassing.”
Posted by: Mike 2008-06-13