
Missile strike kills terrorist militant in Pakistan: officials
An unmanned drone aircraft launched a missile after coming under fire from the ground in Pakistan's tribal belt bordering Afghanistan Saturday, killing one terrorist militant, officials said.

The incident in Makeen, in the insurgency-hit South Waziristan tribal region, comes just days after an airstrike by US-led coalition forces based in Afghanistan that Pakistan said had killed 11 of its troops.

"A drone was flying in the area of Makeen and extremists tried to hit it with a rocket-propelled grenade," a local security official told AFP on condition of anonymity. "The place from where the RPG was fired was struck by a missile fired by the unmanned drone killing one suspected terrorist militant," the official said. The Pakistani military and international forces in Afghanistan were not immediately available for comment.

Makeen is the stronghold of Pakistani Taliban terrorist commander Baitullah Mehsud, who is in peace talks with the government despite having been accused in December of masterminding the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
Posted by: ed 2008-06-14