
Kerry, on 'Face the Nation,' Calls McCain Wrong on the War
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) might have flirted with the idea of idea of enlisting his Republican colleague John McCain as his running mate in 2004, but he sounded distinctly less enthusiastic about the Arizona senator today on CBS' 'Face the Nation.' Kerry, who is a strong supporter of presumptive Democratic nominee and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, said on the Sunday talk show that McCain 'has proven that he has been wrong about every judgment he's made about the war.'

'Wrong about the Iraqis paying for the reconstruction, wrong about whether or not the oil would pay for it, wrong about Sunni and Shia violence through the years, wrong about the willingness of the Iraqis to stand up for themselves,' Kerry added.

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds, however, said Kerry was ignoring the facts on the ground in Iraq. 'The truth is Barack Obama buckled to liberal supporters and opposed the McCain-backed 'surge' strategy that's working today, and despite our troops gains in Iraq, he still maintains his partisan commitment to begin immediate withdrawal of American forces if he's elected,' Bounds wrote in an e-mail. 'Only John Kerry would think that demonstrates good judgment.'
Posted by: Fred 2008-07-07