
Egyptians howl over Vast Zionist Conspiracy
    Then yesterday, the Washington Post unloaded an editorial called "Words From Egypt." The Post had earlier warned of Arab governments contributing to Islamic extremism and cited Egypt, where, the Post said, President Hosni Mubarak "props himself up with $2 billion a year in U.S. aid while allowing and even encouraging state-controlled clerics and the media to promote the anti-Western, anti-modern and anti-Jewish propaganda of the Islamic extremists." It seems the Egyptians' response came via two government-controlled newspapers, Al Ahram and Al Akhbar, which railed against the Post in the usual fashion, with the editor of Al Akhbar, Galal Dewidar (a government employee, the Post points out), asserting that not only do "American media submit to the directives of the Jewish lobby," but their "identity is American in theory but Zionist in practice." The Post quotes him as adding: "We have begun to view these mouthpieces as a media apparatus in the pay of . . . the Zionist organizations and the apparatuses working clandestinely."
    Evil can paint its toe-nails and put on lipstick, but it remains evil. Anti-Semitism and -- let us admit its existence in the same category now -- anti-Americanism are both evil. Calling them "fascism," as some do, is doing a disservice to Mussolini; they are a new kind of naziism, pure and simple, and the purveyors should be called to task and treated like the nazis they are.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2436