
Webb to Obama: "I spit on your vice-presidency!"
You don't get more unequivocal than this (via Braisted):

“Last week I communicated to Senator Obama and his presidential campaign my firm intention to remain in the United States Senate…Under no circumstances will I be a candidate for Vice President.”

Marc Ambinder asks a good question. Nobody actually refuses a Vice Presidential nomination so why issue this statement? Is Webb trying to save face after finding out he was not on the short list?

Did Obama after deciding not to pick Webb counsel Webb to make this statement to counteract criticism that might have followed him passing over such an obvious choice?

Why did this decision have to be made public? Obama's problem’s with Appalachian voters are well documented. Webb's presence on the ticket would have gone a long way towards assuaging the fears of the "cracker" vote. There is no candidate I can think of who could have accomplished this quite like Webb.

This statement, at this time, is very, very curious.
Posted by: Mike 2008-07-07