
Braun to Drop Presidential Bid, Back Dean
Former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, whose Democratic presidential campaign never got off the ground, will drop out of the race and endorse front-runner Howard Dean, campaign officials said Wednesday.
Seeing as she had less of a chance of securing the nomination than me, OP and TGA, this is a good move.
Braun was to officially endorse the former Vermont governor Thursday afternoon during an appearance at Carroll High School in Caroll, Iowa, said Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi. Officials said Braun, the only woman but not the only flake in the nine-person field, approached Dean after a recent debate and told him she was considering leaving the race and backing him.
She was supposed to neutralize Al Sharpton in the primaries. Good thinking, Dems.
One of two black candidates in the campaign, Braun is giving Dean her endorsement even as he has faced questions about his record on race issues, including his lack of minority Cabinet members during his five terms as Vermont governor. Braun jumped to Dean’s defense in a debate last Sunday when Al Sharpton accused the former governor of trivializing race issues just like he has.
"Don’t you go messin’ wit my man Howie!"
Braun never broke out of single digits in national surveys, didn’t qualify for several state ballots and ran up thousand of dollars in campaign debt. Even her own campaign manager, Patricia Ireland, had said publicly there was no way Braun could win the nomination.
Other than that, Carol, great campaign, I’m sure Howie will send you back with New Zealand — with my blessing, I might add.
She leaves the race after making no impact on it, except for some pointless bright moments in the presidential debates.
Another brilliant move by Terry McAulliffe. Wotta maroon.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-01-15