
Petraeus takes command of Middle East
The US Senate has confirmed Gen. David Petraeus as commander of the military headquarters responsible for US operations across the Middle East. The Senate confirmed Petraeus by a vote of 95-2 on Thursday.
Harkin (Dhimmi-IA) and Byrd (D-KKK) voted no.
Does Byrd even know what planet he's on?
The Harry F. Byrd Memorial Planet?
I doubt he's oriented to person, place and time ...
It also confirmed 96-1 the nomination of Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno as top commander in Iraq, replacing Petraeus.
Harkin again.
How did Odierno get Byrd's vote? Did he promise to name a tank after him?
Yes, but they have to keep it in West Virginia ...
Odierno, who previously served as Petraeus' deputy in the war, will be promoted to full general.

As head of Central Command, Petraeus will oversee military operations in a region that includes Iran, Pakistan and 25 other countries, as well as strategically and economically significant international waters, including the Persian Gulf. Petraeus' nomination followed the resignation of Adm. William Fallon after a reported break with the Bush administration over Iran policy.
Posted by: Fred 2008-07-11