
U.S. pilot is fined $12,750 in Brazil(ian shakedown)
An American Airlines pilot was fined nearly $13,000 Wednesday on accusations that he made an obscene gesture when being photographed at the airport as part of entry requirements for U.S. citizens.
I wonder how long they made them camp out before being ’processed’? anything to stick it to The Man©
Brazil imposed the new rules that Americans be fingerprinted and photographed at entry points in response to the similar rules in the United States for citizens of Brazil and other countries whose citizens need visas to enter.
any of those ianque pilots might be terrorists, paolo!
The pilot, Dale Robin Hersh, lifted his middle finger while undergoing the new security process at Sao Paulo’s Guarulhos International Airport.
any bets the guy is ex-Air Force?
Police accused the pilot of showing contempt to authorities, a crime in Brazil...
However, Hersh agreed to pay a fine before he leaves Brazil in exchange for no charges being filed, prosecutor Matheus Baraldi Magnani said. =="Since this was a minor crime I proposed that he be fined 36,000 reals ($12,750), which will later be donated to my pocket a home for the elderly," Magnani said.
oh yeah, that $$$’s long gone
Hersh was freed on his own recognizance. He was expected to pay the fine today.
give those euro wannabes a bad check and GTFO of that 3rd world sh*thole
The prosecutor said Hersh could have faced charges punishable by up to two years in jail.
justice in brazil is blind, deaf, and retarded
Hersh’s 10-member crew was detained inside the airport when the incident began and was not allowed to enter Brazil. Police said the crew was not charged with anything and was returning to the United States on Wednesday evening.
"the stews don’t have any money, let them go"
American Airlines spokeswoman Martha Pantin said the incident was the result of a misunderstanding.
yeah, brasil thinks it’s BELGIUM!
"The company apologizes to the Brazilian government, the airport authorities, the police or anyone else who may have perceived anything they believe to have been disrespectful,"
I don’t think they should apologize for anything, if the brazilians don’t like stricter visa policies, they can pound sand
Posted by: 4thInfVet 2004-01-15