
Hamas Preparing to Pounce
(IsraelNN.com) IDF sources have warned Western Negev municipal leaders that Hamas is preparing to renew its rocket attacks - and that it has the wherewithal to do so with fury.
It's too bad Israel has o rockets to fire back at them.
The current ceasefire has held, more or less, for three weeks, but it is not expected to last for a long time. Hamas and other Gaza terrorists have fired an average of two shells or rockets at Israel every three days.

Hamas overthrew Fatah control of Gaza in June of last year, and was able to amass at least 230 tons of explosives, 30,000 rifles, over six million rounds of ammunition, and scores of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles by the time they had been in power just six months. Many military experts have warned that Hamas is using the ceasefire period to amass a tremendous arsenal of weapons and explosives, for use against Israel when the time is ripe.

In the meantime, Hamas continues to "drip-drop" mortar shells and rockets at Israel, with the goal of getting Israel used to a situation in which Hamas is "allowed" to respond to perceived Israeli violations of the ceasefire.

Analyst Yehonatan D. HaLevi says that Hamas uses "subcontractors" - small terrorist groups seemingly unlinked to Hamas - to fire many of the rockets is designed, so as to distance the ruling terror organization from official responsibility. Members of the Hamas leadership are afraid of an Israeli response at them personally, and some of them have gone into hiding for various durations of time.
Posted by: tu3031 2008-07-11