
Burger King Rolls Out Bunless Burgers
Burger King’s rollout of breadless Whoppers this week is a nod to the low-carb craze that’s sweeping the nation — and the latest evidence that the burger wars are taking a turn for the healthy.
Sory, not with the stuff they put in that burger.
But burger-lovers will have the last say, and experts say the bun shouldn’t be written off from restaurants’ regular fare, much less from its place in modern American food lore. Besides, he noted, a Whopper without a bun is almost an oxymoron. "The bun is almost the least of my worries," he chuckled.
Severe non sequitur alert.
The Miami-based chain is selling them in plastic salad bowls, with knife and fork, after reporting an increasing number of such requests over the past year.
Didn’t anyone else grow up with the common pasttime of driving backward through the drive-through, and asking for a burger-- hold the bun? It’ll never be the same...
Posted by: therien 2004-01-15