
Backgrounder: Lebanon's new cabinet line-up
(Xinhua) -- Lebanon finally formed a 30-member national unity government on Friday following a five-week political deadlock over key portfolios.

The new cabinet consists 16 ministers of the Western-backed ruling majority, 11 allied with the Shiite Hezbollah-led opposition and the rest three named by President Michel Suleiman. Following is the lineup of the new cabinet:
Prime Minister: Fouad Seniora

Deputy Prime Minister: Issam Abou Jamra

Defense Minister: Elias Murr

Foreign Minister: Fawzi Saloukh

Interior Minister: Ziad Baroud

Finance Minister: Muhammad Shatah

State Minister: Yousef Takla

State Minister: Khaled Kabbani

State Minister: Wael Abo Faour

State Minister: Nasib Lahoud

State Minister: Ali Qanso

State Minister: Jean Ogassapian

Justice Minister: Ibrahim Najjar

Administration Development Minister: Ibrahim Shamseddine

Public Works and Transportation Minister: Ghazi Ariedy

Telecommunications Minister: Gebran Bassil

Economy and Trade Minister: Muhammad Safadi

Information Minister: Tareq Mitri

Culture Minister: Tamam Salam

Minister of Refugee Affairs: Raymond Audi

Environment Minister: Antoine Karam

Youth and Sports Minister: Talal Arslan

Industry Minister: Ghazi Zoayter

Education Minister: Bahia Hariri

Agriculture Minister: Elias Skaf

Health Minister: Mohammad Khalifa

Energy Minister: Alan Toborian

Labor Minister: Mohammad Fneish

Minister for Social Affairs: Mario Aoun

Tourism Minister: Antoine Karam

Posted by: Fred 2008-07-12