
$1B Lawsuit for Gitmo Crowd
A Los Angeles lawyer who won a ruling that U.S. courts can decide if the indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay of about 600 people was legal, filed a proposed $1.1 billion class action against the Bush administration Wednesday.
It’s like a BAD Austin Powers movie! I bet he has a mini-me.
Stephen Yagman wants the lawsuit he filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles certified as a class-action for the suspected Taliban and al Qaeda detainees at the American Navy base in Cuba.
What a great humanitarian, looking out for the little people.
Last month a three member panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2 to 1 that courts can hear petitions from the detainees.
Another reason to disband that court!
The 9th Circuit panel criticized the Bush administration for denying the detainees access to an attorney. Enforcement of the ruling was put on hold pending a U.S. Supreme Court decision on a similar case. Yagman, in his current lawsuit, said that the appeals court meant that the detainees are U.S. ’’inhabitants’’ and can sue the federal government for alleged violations of the Constitution or international treaties.
Stephen Yagman represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with lawyers today. He has never met a gitmo detainee. He doesn’t know anything about when, why, and how they were detained. Yet he can file a lawsuit on their behalf! Is he a humanitarian? An ACLU Lawyer? Nope this guy is working this angle on his own, which means he gets ALL the lawyer fees. If this were a lesser advanced society Mr. Yagman would be tarred/feathered and run out of town. But since I live in the Peoples Republic of California he is getting a shot at the big payoff. He and everyone of his ilk make me sick! Remember this crap the next time they (Politicians) say we don’t need tort reform.
My Suggestions:

1) Lawyer Pays. If the case is thrown out or dismissed the lawyer pays ALL court costs.
2) Limit Scope of class action suits to actual people. No filing for someone on their behalf.
3) Limit Payouts and lawyer fees. No more $15M for spilling coffee on YOURSELF.
4) Begin a frivolous lawsuit review board. If a lawyer abuses the court system he is disbarred PERMANENTLY!
5) Make Ethics review for lawyers have some teeth. Disbar them if they are guilty.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge 2004-01-15