
Harry's Plan for Energy Independence
Addressing High Gas Prices

Skyrocketing gas and energy prices are hurting Nevada’s working families. That’s why I am pushing Congress to pass legislation to address the root causes of the problem and reduce the burden on consumers and the economy. Excessive speculation on Wall Street and around the world has helped drive dramatic increases in oil and energy prices. The bill I introduced would curb speculation, go after OPEC for collusion, and convince the oil companies to start investing their huge profits in clean, affordable alternatives like wind, solar and geothermal energy to power our economy. I've forced votes at least five times this year on legislation to help restrain energy prices and help the consumers. For those who say we should drill more at home, I believe the oil companies should start using the 68 million acres of onshore and off-shore leases they already own, before asking for more land. But let me be clear, we can't simply drill our way to lower prices or to real energy independence because America has less than 3% of the world's oil supplies and uses more than 25% of its production. That is why we must increase our investment in renewable energy sources like the ones that are so abundant in Nevada.

For more information on my energy plans, click here.
Posted by: Bobby 2008-07-12