
Red Cross halts appeals
  • Chicago Sun-Times, by DARLENE SUPERVILLE
    The American Red Cross is halting its appeals for donations to a fund created to help victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, its interim chief executive said. The Liberty Fund held $547 million in pledges. Contributions received will be deposited in the charity's Disaster Relief Fund, a general account servicing all kinds of emergencies, unless donors specify the money is for the Liberty Fund, said Harold Decker, the organization's interim chief executive officer.

    During a weekend meeting of the Red Cross' governing board, Decker was chosen to succeed Bernadine Healy, who resigned, until a committee finds a permanent replacement. In her resignation, Healy cited differences with the board, including her decision to keep those Liberty Fund dollars separate from the organization's main relief fund.
    I'll never contribute another nickle to the Red Cross. They took millions of dollars intended for specific recipients and they used it for themselves. Shame.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2441