
Workers Paradise - Videos from North Korea 'tour'.
Link goes to the first of a set of 14 videos of Shane Smith's guided 'tour' of North Korea. I saw a highlight of this on CNN and tuned into the 'News to Me' show to catch the tail end.

He basically points out that N. Korea is the 'land that time forgot'.

Episode's 1,4,9, and 12 I found particulary interesting.

Personally I think all those North Korean people are going to be mightly pissed off when they find out what they have been missing on the outside.

Hey kids, VBS founder Shane Smith is going to be on CNN's News To Me this weekend at 7:30 PM, half-past midnight, and again at 5:30 in the morning both Saturday and Sunday to talk about his exploits in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea. If that doesn't sync up with your tubin' schedule you can also see the interview online at the link we just gave you sometime after Saturday night, we think.
Posted by: CrazyFool 2008-07-13