
Jessie "The Body" Ventura backs down from Minnesota senate smackdown
James Lileks @ buzz.mn

Drat the luck! Jesse won’t be running. Only heard a few remarks from his Larry King show, but it brought back all the old memories – the same honking voice that sounds like he is trying to push a trombone out his nose, the same rhetorical bafflers, the same swipes at religion. That last one reminds you that Jesse regards himself as a freethinker who values his intellectual integrity – hence the 9/11 truther statements – but they also reminded one what a crude, graceless man he, er, seems to be sometimes.
I remember when he was in the WWF. He had so much more class then.
His reasons are varied – the usual broadsides against the jackal media and so on – but one wishes he could have cited the strains of fundraising, if only so we could have a headline that said he “ain’t got time to plead.” Providing people still get a 20-year-old reference to “Predator,” that is.
Personally, I'd like to see Jessie "The Body" and Garrison "Old Scout" Keillor in a steel cage deathmatch to decide who's more bitter and angry. I don't care who wins; I'd just be rooting for mayhem.
Posted by: Mike 2008-07-16